Your pets are part of your family, and you must protect them from pests. Flies, mosquitoes, and ticks are all common nuisances in the summer months. As you head outside you will see more and more of them circling your home and yard. Many over-the-counter bug sprays are perfectly suitable for use by humans but dangerous to pets. Continue reading to find out which bug sprays are safe for your pet and which ones to stay clear of. What is it that makes a bug spray pet friendly? Many common bug sprays include DEET which acts as a repellent of human skin and furniture, but incredibly dangerous for animals. Effective pesticides, such as DEET, can cause irritation to the airway and skin, so it's best to avoid Fido. pet safe fly spray, which are free from DEET, usually have as few pesticides or ingredients as possible. Many can be made with ingredients found at home, removing the need to purchase any product at all! Our Best Pet-Friendly Bug Sprays Badger Anti-Bug Repelen...